What is “seam peaking” and why should I care?

Seam peaking is a challenge that every carpet installer deals with on a fairly regular basis and it occurs even more often when carpet is being re-stretched.  Well thanks for that information! But What is seam peaking?  Are you some kind of politician? Answer the question!

The short of it, is that seam peaking makes seams become more visible after they are stretched.  A really good explanation is given by The Carpet and Rug Institute of Georgia.  (Georgia is where a large portion of North American carpet manufacturing occurs)  In 2008 they released a technical bulletin which you can read for yourself at —->   http://www.carpet-rug.org/documents/technical_bulletins/2008_Peaked_Seams_in_Stretch-In_Carpet_Installation.p

It even has a nice illustration to explain things. But if you don’t

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