To Repair or Not to Repair?

Oftentimes homeowners face a dilemma, should I repair my carpet or should I replace it? The fact is when you’ve been looking at ugly carpet with ripples in it for a long time, it may seem like the only real way to fix the problem is to change it.  Then you start thinking about the thousands of dollars it’s going to cost and worrying about where all your furniture is going to go.  The replacement solution starts to feel like more of a problem than the ripples themselves!  Should you just live with the rippled carpet, you obviously can’t change a carpet every four or five year!?  That is just not possible.

Now the good news! Those ripples that you have been looking at, likely for too long, can be repaired.  I can’t tell you how many times we’ve completed re-stretching someone’s carpet and they say, “We should have done this years ago!”  And it is true, homeowners keep looking at the ripples,for years, just not knowing that a carpet re-stretching service is available.  In fact it’s a very simple, cost effective, painless procedure.

Many people finally fix the carpet only after deciding to sell the house.  It kind of feels like the new homeowner gets to live on”normal” carpet after the family has been living on a wrinkled mess for years! I’m pretty sure it’s reasonable to want to live on normal carpet.

That’s where we come in! We enjoy taking a wrinkled, ugly carpet and wave our magic wands and Voila! the carpet is fixed! Ok so maybe the procedure is slightly more involved than that, but it really is an easy fix considering the long term benefits from the repair.  The truth is carpet once sufficiently stretched, does not need to be repaired every few years.  Once it  is fixed and with proper maintenance it will last long enough for the kids to grow up and get out out of the house before you have to change it again. 🙂

If we can be of service to you, we would love to help!


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