We often get asked if we do carpet repairs like carpet patches. And the simple answer is yes we do. But we would like to make our clients aware of a few things in regards to carpet patches so that they know what is possible and what is not possible. Well why do we say that? The unfortunate problem with patches is that we want patches to be completely invisible. In some instances, it is possible to get an almost invisible patch. But this is unfortunately not always the case.

Why would it be that some patches are more visible than others? There are a few reasons. Firstly, the older the carpet is, the more visible the patch will likely be.
When carpet gets installed it is (usually) a nice uniform product, where one part of the carpet is a very similar in texture and shading to another part of the carpet. Now after a carpet gets installed, it starts to wear. Things like walking on it, traffic patterns, even the sun will start to effect the color and texture of the carpet. This once uniform carpet becomes anything but, and that becomes the problem with carpet patching. Now take the unique wear that a carpet has in a specific location and compare that to the piece of carpet rolled up under your stairs. (or if you don’t have an extra piece, the piece that gets stolen from the closet to fix it.) Unfortunately in many instances there is little chance that the match will be invisible, and sometimes even the patch is as obvious as the stain. So for this reason we like to make our clients aware that sometimes a patch is not a very good solution.
So what is the good news, when do you like to do carpet patches?
The newer the carpet the better. (more uniformity)
The lower the traffic in that area the better. (less wear)
The less natural sunlight or airflow the carpet has been exposed too. (farther away from cold/warm air vents)
We hope this has given you some things to think about in regards to making the proper decision for your situation.