I was one of the first carpet repair/re-stretch companies with a website in Calgary and there wasn’t much for images on-line of rippled carpet and the like. So I had to make my own content. There is one image I am quite proud of as it illustrates a really nice repair. Here it is:

You may recognize it from my main front page image. I decided one day to do a Google image search, to see if anyone has decided to borrow (ok steal is the right word) my image. To my amazement it had been used by 18 other websites! I was kind of flattered and kind of mad. My favorite was the Mississauga carpet store that will remain nameless that actually put their logos on my picture for their ads! I did email them and ask them to take down the image and they obliged. They were actually cool about it so I don’t want to make a big deal about it.
I decided, I’m not going to worry about all the other companies borrowing my images. Life is too short to get upset. But I can tell you, I must be doing something right if people are putting their name on my work! I’ll say it again… Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!